Declared as FINALIST at SCAD Secession 2019 (May, 2019)
Awarded ‘Outstanding Experiential Design’ in the Graduate Student category
at the AIGA Jacksonville Portfolio Reviews (April, 2018)

The following was a classroom project done with Professor Joe DiGioia at SCAD in Environmental/Spatial Design. We started off by considering the differences between 'spaces' and 'places'. The Post Office was the first on my list because everyone, as a rule, hates the Post Office. I started to research the WHY for it, and also what else the 'new' Post Office could offer.
The Problem
There were 6537 complaints lodged against the experience of USPS on a web forum. Most of them were around 'rude and belligerent staff' and 'long queues'. This was supported by further ethnography.
How Might We
How might the design of the space build trust among its users?
How might we solve the problem of long queues?
How might we have a healthier staff-customer dynamic?

Visual Language
Considerable brainstorming got us to the visual metaphor of dashed lines to represent tiny mail envelopes, as seen when traveling in time and space. The idea was to potentially make people realize the magnanimity of 'Magic Mail', and hence see the bigger picture.

Spatially, the space tries to remove the barrier between the customer and the staff, almost delivering a self-guided experience to the user, much like an airport or self-checkout lanes in departmental stores.

Another innovation in the experience was transparent walls, for there are healthy political connotations with a federal building being transparent. Ethnography revealed that it would be a crucial step in trust-building among the public for USPS.